"One motto, one badge, one bond, and singleness of heart!"
Since our founding, over 100,000 women have choose to join AOII and share in the dream. Today, members continue to strive for the high aspirations that reflect each of the four founders' lives, and upon which the fraternity was established. The object of our fraternity is to encourage a spirit of fraternity and love among its members; to stand at all times for integrity, dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support the best interests of the Colleges and Universities in which chapters are installed; and in no way disregard, injure or sacrifice those interests for the sake of the prestige or advancement of the fraternityColor- cardinal
Flower- jacqueminot rose
Jewel- ruby
Badge- monogram of Greek letters that say AOII
Pledge Pin- sheaf of wheat
Crest- AOII is the only women's fraternity that does notuse a crest. Our founders felt that the beauty and simplicity of our badge possessed enough significance to stand alone. Crests are medieval, and we are founded on Greek ideals. Where other groups might use a crest, we display the rose.
Magazine- To Dragma, which means the sheaf.
Philanthropy- Arthritis Research
The Huntsville AOII Alumnae chapter was first chartered on December 20, 1952, with ten members. Later, it changed to club status. The second and present charter was bestowed on December 5, 1964. At that time, there were nineteen members.Since 1964, we have been an active chapter, not only in AOII but in both community and panhellenic. In 1970, we established the Huntsville arthritis office. In 1971, we began the Arthritis Victory March. Under the leadership of Lenora Grumbles, Lambda Sigma, University of Georgia, the Huntsille Panhellenic became an official member of the National Panhellenic Council.
We have assisted several collegiate chapters. In 1967, we assisted the University of Alabama in the organization and installation of our Alpha Delta chapter. We have a history of having alumnae who serve as collegiate advisors.
Our chapter has received many service and achievement awards over the years. These include awards from the Alabama Chapter of the National Arthritis Foundation and AOII achievement certificates, including finalist for the Distinguished Service Award in 1991, the Distinguished Service Award in 1993, and finalist again in 1995.
Our members support AOII both regionally and internationally. Carole Jones, Alpha Delta, University of Alabama, is International President; Toni Morgan, Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky, is one of the Collegiate Regional Network Directors; Kitty Pettus-Hinds, Nu Beta, University of Mississippi, is an Alumnae Network Specialist; and Elise Moss-Simmons, Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College, is past Foundation president.